by Shawn Lim

The lack of motivation is one of the most common reasons people fail to achieve their goals or to reach their dreams. They have goals and they know what they need to do to get there, but they just don’t do it because they don’t have the motivation.
Zig Ziglar said it wisely,
“Motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”
And Zig was absolutely right.
Motivation is something that comes and goes. And if we want to maintain our motivation to do things on a consistent basis, we need to do something to get ourselves motivated each day.
So here are 7 great methods you can do every day to get yourself motivated:
1. Connect with your goals
First, connect with your goals. Most people find it difficult to have the motivation because they fail to connect with their goals.
When they first started, they are so driven that they take massive action. However, as time goes by, they start to lose track of their goals and that’s when they lose interest in what they want to achieve.
The key to staying motivated is to always connect yourself with what you want to accomplish in life. For instance, you should review your goals on a daily basis. Look at your goals each morning before you get to work. Remind yourself of why you want to achieve that goal.
When you connect yourself with your goals, you give yourself the permission to get motivated again.
Goal setting is not a one-time work, it is something that you should do daily. Thus, write down your goals, review them, and reconnect with them every day.
2. Envision the success you want
Do you know that visualization is a powerful tool that can elevate and change your mood?
When you imagine driving your dream car, living in your dream house, and are living a financially free life, how do you feel? Great, right? This is why visualization is powerful. It can change our mood and drive us to achieve great success.
Our minds cannot differentiate between what is real and what is being imagined. When we picture ourselves driving the car that we want vividly in our head, we feel good. We feel motivated almost instantly.
This is why it’s said often that we become who we think about most of the time. Successful people constantly think about their goals and reaching their dreams, as a result, they are absolutely motivated to achieve their targets.
And this is what you can do too, to constantly visualize the success that you want. Studies have discovered that the best time to practice visualization is once in the morning and once at night before you go to bed.
When you see yourself living the life that you desire, eventually it will become true.
“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten” – Tony Robbins
3. Remember your purpose
One of the main reason people fail to get motivated on what they want is that they lose interest in it. And this is because they have forgotten the reason why they started in the first place.
Your purpose is powerful. What drives you to achieve the success that you want?
If your purpose is strong and emotional, you will do whatever it takes to get there. If your purpose to reach your goal is weak, it makes you less committed and the moment you face some setbacks, you will give up and quit.
Therefore, make sure your purpose is strong and emotional. Plus, always remind yourself of why you want to achieve your goals.
The key to staying motivated is to always remember why you want to do so.
4. Talk to the right people
Get yourself around positive people. Energy is contagious and when you mix around with negative people, the conversation will be negative, and this will ultimately take away your energy.
Hence, join positive people. Talk more and spend more time with people who are positive. When you get yourself around great people who always talk about achieving their goals and living a great life, you will be affected as well.
Please understand this,
“You can’t swim with the ducks if you want to fly like an eagle.”
But how do you know if someone is positive and how can you tell that, they are positive? The answer is simple, positive people are winners in life.
So, identify the winners in your industry and join them.
5. Change your environment
Another great way to get motivated is to change your environment. Imagine reading a book in a noisy wet market. As much as you want to concentrate on reading the book, you will be distracted by the noise there.
Your environment matters. If you are working from home, create a workspace that supports you and your work. Get yourself a comfortable chair and invest in a good table.
You want to create a place where you will want to work when you get there.
And sometimes, changing your environment helps too. For instance, if you need to write an article and your office is just too distracting, you can consider working on the article somewhere else, like a coffee house.
Do you know that J.K. Rowling wrote the famous Harry Potter series in coffee shops most of the time?
She spent 6 years to finish the first book, but she couldn’t find the motivation to work at home, so she chose work at another place where she could focus and concentrate.
6. Learn about other people’s success
How often do you read and learn about other people’s success? One of the easiest ways to get motivated is to read success stories. Books like Chicken Soup for the Soul series can be very helpful in this.

You don’t have to spend hours reading, you just need to do it for like 15 to 30 minutes a day. Read motivational books that will inspire you to achieve greater results in life.
The more you read and the more you spend time learning how others did it, the more motivated you will be.
Somehow, you will tell yourself that if others can do it, so can you. Plus, reading success stories inspire you to not give up.
Thus, commit to reading motivational and inspirational books each day. Robin Sharma, the best-selling author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari says it well,
“Ordinary people have big TVs. Extraordinary people have big libraries.”

7. Listen to music
Another great and effective way to pump up yourself is by listening to music. Of course, you need to listen to the right music and not just any music. So, what music drives you and motivates you?
Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all time swims about 80,000 meters a week during his peak training phase. And Phelps trains about 5 to 6 hours every day, for 6 days in a week. So how do you think he stays motivated to train?
Well, Phelps listens to music during his long hour’s workouts using waterproof headphones.
Sometimes, doing something like writing articles and exercising in the gym can be boring. And the solution can be music. Use music to pump you up and fire up your mood.
After reading this article, do you still feel that you lack the motivation? Just do as suggested. Use the 7 methods mentioned above and get yourself motivated right now.
Remember what Zig Ziglar said?
“Motivation will never last and it comes and goes. Thus, you must do something to maintain your momentum and keep your motivation high.“
Shawn is a passionate coach who empowers individuals to achieve their goals and reach new heights of success. With his experience in the personal development industry, Shawn has guided countless people towards fulfilling their potential and achieving outstanding results in life.
Nice Post