Technology and Innovation – Abundance to Mankind

by  Darpan Sachdeva

Ever growing technology has changed totally the way we live and think.It is taking us towards  constant abundance what mankind has never felt and seen earlier.

We are   solving today on ever growing speed our daily faced problems with the new innovations and technology. This is just the tip in the iceberg,as we head towards a world of immense abundance in the years ahead.

Disease predicting,phone data,real-time wildlife tracking and pollution fighting artificial intelligence systems,we are solving today with the help of innovations.

Down below are some of the latest recent innovations already applied to our  lives.

A Kenyan Won the Gold Medal in Javelin After Learning How to Throw on YouTube



What it is: Julius Yego of Kenya won the gold medal in javelin at the recent World Athletics Championships, and narrowly missed the current world record. The distinction? Yego is almost entirely self-taught: he learned to throw the javelin by watching YouTube videos of former Olympians and world title-holders.

Why it’s important: As the Rising Billions come online, they’ll have unparalleled access to free information. The mark they make on the world — whether through athletic or academic prowess, consumerism or entrepreneurship — will be massive.


Inciting an Immune Attack on Cancer Cells

cancer-vaccines-sem-400x301What it is: Scientists at Harvard’s Wyss Institute and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have developed a vaccine that helps the body attack cancer using its own cancer cells. In experiments, the cryogel triggered an immune response that proactively protected test subjects from tumor growth and shrank existing tumors.

Why it’s important: The injectable cryogel vaccine is minimally invasive, simpler and less expensive than other cancer cell transplantation therapies. It’s also an excellent illustration of how materials science and engineering converge to mimic the body’s natural responses.

Uber And Hilton Team Up For Seamless Travel

Local-Scene_Screenshot-300x592What it is: Uber has partnered with Hilton on two key guest experiences. Hilton HHonors members and hotel guests can set Uber ride reminders to seamlessly request an Uber on travel days, and the Local Scene feature displays top restaurants and nightlife destinations, as determined by Uber riders’ visits.

Why it’s important: Uber has mountains of data. It knows exactly when and where its passengers travel — and with this Hilton integration, it’s surfacing and sharing useful insights that enable travelers to explore destinations like they’re locals.

Phone Data Can Predict Infectious Disease Outbreaks

153147708What it is: Princeton and Harvard researchers recently analyzed the anonymous phone records of 15 million Kenya users and compared this data to areas where cases of rubella were reported. They discovered that subjects’ movement patterns matched the locations with the highest risk of rubella within that year-long period. The researchers plan to test this method’s efficacy for other outbreaks, like malaria and cholera.

Why it’s important: This is one more useful application of Big Data — in this case, to track the spread of seasonal diseases. Medical professionals can use this information to target localized treatment.

Hawaii’s New OTEC Power Plant Harvests Energy Stored in Warm Ocean Water

otec power plant

What it is: Hawaii is now the first U.S. state to generate electricity using the temperature difference between ocean water at different depths. This new 105-kilowatt ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) plant is the world’s largest of its kind, producing electricity at the rate of $0.20 per kilowatt-hour.

Why it’s important: Because the sun naturally heats surface water, there’s a virtually limitless supply of ocean thermal energy. Just one commercial plant would prevent the burning of 1.3 million barrels of oil and a half-million tons of carbon emissions each year.

Japan is Building a Fully-Automated Indoor Farm Capable of Producing 30,000 Heads of Lettuce Per Day

ImageProxyWhat it is: The Spread Vegetable Factory in Japan is planning a $16.5 million indoor farm that can produce 30,000 heads of lettuce per day, with a goal of 500,000 head of lettuce per day by 2022. The vast majority of the growing process will be automated — humans will just be on hand during the seeding and germination process.

Why it’s important: The Spread reports that automating the cultivation process maximizes growing space and cuts labor costs in half. Automating indoor farming and food production in a scalable fashion could be the key to solving food scarcity in Japan.

Transparent Batteries That Charge in the Sun Could Replace Smartphone Screens

ImageProxy2What it is: Japanese researchers have developed a transparent lithium-ion battery that can recharge itself using the sunlight or other bright light sources — without a separate solar cell. The researchers changed the chemical makeup of the 80- to 90-nanometer electrodes, so they maintain their efficacy but also allow light to pass through them.

Why it’s important: Future iterations of this battery could become smart windows that auto-dim during the heat of the day and simultaneously store power, or perhaps become additional smartphone batteries that store power while users are outside.

The Dutch Railway Could Run Solely on Wind Power By 2018

ImageProxy3What it is: The Netherlands has committed to run its electric rail system entirely on energy produced by wind farms — within three years. Wind farms currently supply about half of the rail network’s energy, and the wind power needed to ramp up efforts will come from within the Netherlands, Belgium and some Scandinavian nations.

Why it’s important: The Dutch railway system carries 1.2 million passengers a day, and this move to renewable energy could inspire other large cities to follow suit. The International Energy Council reports that land-based wind power installation rates have gone up by 24% annually each year for the last 15 years — soon, 18% of all global energy production will be from the wind.

Buzz Aldrin Opens Florida Institute Dedicated to Colonizing Mars

buzz aldrin

What it is: Buzz Aldrin has announced his latest mission: the Buzz Aldrin Space Institute, which will be dedicated to research supporting Mars colonization. Aldrin has been working on this effort since his retirement from NASA and the Air Force, and he’s partnered with the Florida Institute of Technology to supercharge his efforts.

Why it’s important: Buzz Aldrin enters a growing field of players interested in colonizing Mars, including SpaceX, NASA and Mars One. With such an influx of investments, focus and supercredible entrepreneurs, innovation and dramatic breakthroughs aren’t far behind.

Blog PhotoDarpan Sachdeva is the CEO and Founder of With a long time passion for Entrepreneurship, Self development & Success, Darpan started his website with the intention of educating and inspiring like minded people all over the world to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances.To keep going and never get disheartened and learn from every adversity. 

3 Comments on “Technology and Innovation – Abundance to Mankind”

  1. cant solve Ocean pollution alone yet.
    maybe solve smog issues.
    But think worldwide for issues

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