by Darpan Sachdeva

Life Changing Inspirational Revelations:
“My soul is not contained within the limits of my body, my body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul. I’ve often said that I wish people could realize all their dreams and wealth and fame so that they can see that it’s not where you’re gonna find your sense of completion. I can tell you from experience the effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is, because everything you gain in life will rot, and fall apart, and all that will be left of you is what was in your heart.”
The above life changing inspirational revelations quote comes from a speech given by Jim Carrey.
Jim Carrey has an extremely successful stand-up comedy and film career, but he didn’t have an easy time making his way to the top. In his early years at school, Carrey was very quiet and didn’t have many friends. He was an undiagnosed dyslexic, and often struggled in school.
He began compensating with humor, causing many teachers to label him as disruptive, but also causing him to realize that he could connect with people by making them laugh. This spurred his creativity and humorous side, which has propelled his acting career.
As one who has had his bouts with depression, Jim Carrey’s life changing Inspirational Revelations teach how important his spirituality is to his well-being.
Over the past few year he spend his time sharing his pearls of wisdom at talks and seminars around the globe. The video below which starts off by Jim sharing how he started on his spiritual journey and then goes onto give some great advice that I think everyone should listen to.
Enjoy below is a recent video from him which i am pretty sure would make you rethink on the way we look at life for us….
Darpan Sachdeva is the CEO and Founder of With a long time passion for Entrepreneurship, Self development & Success, Darpan started his website with the intention of educating and inspiring like-minded people all over the world to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. To keep going and never get disheartened and learn from every adversity.
Carrey makes some points. Yet for me it was Robin Williams who said so much more.