by Aroze Shah

Today, we will share with 21 of the best Jack Ma quotes on love, life, success
and failure that will change your outlook.
Jack Ma, co-founder of Ali Baba group, is a Chinese business man and philanthropist. He is the richest man in China. But his life has not always been like this. He has had his fair share of struggles and failure. But the key to his success was not only his determination and will to succeed.
21 Inspirational Jack Ma Quotes
1.If you want to be respected, if you want to survive the next 30 years, you should teach your children love and to care for others. In this way you can survive.
2.If you don’t do it, nothing’s possible.
3.If you’re poor at 35, you deserve it.
4.Never Give Up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be a sunshine.
5.Once in your life, try something. Work hard at something. Try to change. Nothing bad can happen.
6. You should learn from your competitor, but never copy. Copy and you die.
7. The very important thing you should have is patience.
8. As entrepreneurs, if you’re not optimistic, you’re in trouble. So the people I choose, they have to be optimistic
9. If you don’t give up, you still have a chance
10. Try to find the right people, not the best people.
11. The opportunities that everyone cannot see are the real opportunities.
12.On the path to success, you will notice that the successful ones are not whiners, nor do they complain often.
13.Don’t be jealous of the successful people because the world is changing fast. And the first may become the last and the last may become the first.
14. We have a secret code of success and that is ‘keep your dream alive’.
15.Where there’s trouble, there’s an opportunity.
16.Your attitude is more important than your capabilities. Similarly, your decision is more important than your capabilities.
17.We will make it because we are young and we will never give up.
18.It doesn’t matter if I failed. At least I passed the concept on to others. Even if I don’t succeed, someone will succeed.
19. On the path of success, you will notice that the successful are not whiners, nor do they complain often.
20. The world will not remember what you say. But it will certainly not forget what you have done.
21.If you have a different mindset, you will have a different outcome.

motivational article. He writes on motivation and inspiration for Multiwritings