Stop Killing Time – A Motivational Video You Must Watch!

By  Cris Nikolov




Here are my favourite quotes from the video:

I want to talk about the value of time…We’re all given a certain amount of time to experience life, to carry out our dreams, our destiny. But we don’t realize that the time bar of our life, can only grow smaller from today forward.

Time is the most valuable resource we have. I can save my money for later. I can’t do that with my time. I can invest in more money. I can’t do that with time. I can share my money. I still can’t do that with time.

Now we all aim to succeed, to prosper, to become a diamond in a world of rocks, but there’s no evolutionary pressure to help us. And that’s where the mind shift needs to take place. You need to create a pressure for yourself to become that diamond. And the way that you do that is by understanding the value of time. Stop killing time, because eventually, that turns around, and time will kill you.

Sooner or later, you’re going to realize that the only thing you wish you have more of is time, but it’s what you used the worst.

I want you to gain the intelligence of spending time wisely, because while you’re killing time, time is killing you.


Do you spend your time wisely? Do you realise that time is the biggest asset you have, yet sometimes you abuse it? Also I would like to know your answer to this question – If you knew when you would die – exact date and hour, would something change for you and what would that be?


Chris NikolaevCris Nikolov is the founder of MotivationGrid. He writes about understanding and getting the most from life. He hopes that he can inspire people to go after their passion. 





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