Going through my journey of an entrepreneur ,with its up and downs in life.I have come to the conclusion that to have a successful business in life there are 2 things that are important .
1.The business you are into is financially profitable.
2.The business needs to fuel your soul.
If either of the above is not there,the business is going to fail subsequently.If neither of the above is there then its better to go and take up a job to earn money.
Only generation of money from a business that does not give you satisfaction to your inner self will not be lasting for long.On my further analysis ,i have come to conclusion that there are basically 4 types of people who start up with business in this world.In other word there are 4 types of entrepreneurial personalities
1)Mission based Entrepreneur:(Types of Entrepreneurs)
These are the people who are drawn by a cause because of which they have started the entrepreneurial journey.It is this cause or the reason in their personal life that has ignited them to start the business.Its this cause that they are passionate about. This cause in life which they have gone through,which is usually a negative ,that keeps them going ahead .For them this cause becomes the soul of the business .
For them this negative is the pain which they want to solve for the world and in the process make it a busieness while doing so.
Mission based entrepreneurs tend to draw people away from some negative in the world.
2 ) Passion based entrepreneur:(Types of Entrepreneurs)
These are the people who are in love or have a great passion for some thing.This could be a sport,playing a musical instrument,dancing ,arts or any thing.This is their hobby what they enjoy doing.
Now while doing this hobby they have started a business around this so to make it profitable and sustainable.
Passion based entrepreneurs tend to bring people close to some thing positive in life.
3) Opportunity based entrepreneur:(Types of Entrepreneurs)
These are the types of people who are not based on any passion or a mission .They see an opportunity where ever and tend to create a business out of it.They are on constant look out for the wholes in the society where they could fill them up with their entrepreneurial skills and create a business around it.
4) Undecided Entrepreneur:(Types of Entrepreneurs)
These are the people which want to get into the business .They love the idea of being an entrepreneur and being their own boss but they do not know which market and what business to do,.They are completely undecided about it.The prescription for this what the genius successful people suggest is to just practice what you have in hand.Get the skill of it even if it is not your dream business.This is the way you can move ahead while keeping the skill you have learnt with you.
So to start the entrepreneurial journey i would suggest any body to first look in to your self and retrospect to which type and category you are more prone to.This will immensely help you save time and energy on your road to success.
To your Success in life !!!!