by Darpan Sachdeva

With my strong belief for a free will creative entrepreneurship,I have been always fascinated by how the entrepreneurship is supported in most of the developed world .
Being an entrepreneur is a tedious job.I would put my hats off to any hardworking creator of new ideas which brings good to the socio-economic system.Who slogs day and night hard to realize their business ideas.Some times even at the cost of their basic needs and compromising on their family commitments.All this in the endeavor to make the home run for them.To be successful in their mission.
As an entrepreneur although our focus is the bottom line end of the day,but to get to the needed results its very important that the bureaucratic laws governing the entrepreneur are supportive.The entrepreneur and bureaucratic hurdles are regulated and simple. It has proven and not once that all the great companies in the world have come out of places where there is congenial atmosphere for the entrepreneurship.Where the rules support and relieve the entrepreneur from extra stress and not suck blood of them.
Today we see hundreds of thousands of start ups coming up through out the world .Enterprising creative minds are creating unique products and services which create an immense value to the society and in return make themselves profit. Silicon Valley in US is the leader in this arena,with London,Hongkong ,Singapore,Bangalore and many more in the list.
All these places have created the most congenial atmosphere for the entrepreneur to execute their entrepreneurship with the least bureaucratic interference.This makes the entrepreneur concentrate only on the idea growth and success oriented rather than dealing with day to day bureaucratic paper work.
Most of European Union Rules now are getting more and more supportive for the small entrepreneurs to be less stressed with the curse of bureaucracies.Countries like Belgium,France,Holland,Germany and many more are the great examples for it.
I am so happy to feel this freedom of lessening of bureaucratic burden on small entrepreneur in Czech Republic as well.Prague is actively trying its best to follow the European trend with this bureaucratic transparency and support for the small and medium sized entrepreneurs to grow and prosper even though financial setbacks and failures.
Its a long path for entrepreneur and bureaucratic hurdles but we are on the right track.I am sure we shall be having lots of successful Czech Startups and ventures coming up in future like
Here are the trending Czech Start ups under watch for the 2019
I have decided on my trail to success and get back from past setbacks NOT TO GIVE UP IN ANY WAY. We have decided to take my entrepreneurial efforts Pan European and to UK . My endeavor would be to set up an entrepreneurial bridge of services and mutual trade in between Prague and London where entrepreneurship could blossom and grow with out any type of stress and least of bureaucratic pressures.
I am sure this new pivoting for me would be a successful one .This would bring in for us as a Czech company growth and enhancement to my entrepreneurial endeavors. With the support of the UK business environment we shall be able to grow ourselves faster towards success.
I want to see my self as the Social Entrepreneur in the times ahead who could create a positive impact on the society and the economy as a whole.
To learn and get inspired by great leaders of the world like Richard Branson,Warren Buffet,Elon Musk,Winfrey Oprah,Ratan Tata and many more.
The best option to cope up with entrepreneurial stresses from bureaucratic burdens is to not give up .There is always a new version of possibilities for entrepreneur and bureaucratic hurdles lying ahead for any entrepreneur wherever and whatever stage he may not be.
“Sometimes what you think is an end is only a beginning. And that wouldn’t do at all.”
― Agatha Christie
For the true entrepreneurs who never give up,
A Big cheers to you all !!!!!!
Try to adapt to the bureaucracies and try pivoting !!!!