Entrepreneur Heading Towards Success-9 must Mental Hacks.

by Darpan Sachdeva

Entrepreneur Heading Towards Success-9 must Mental Hacks. -Noble Thoughts

An entrepreneur heading towards Success with his entrepreneurship is an art which needs regular craftsmanship.Its a man on the mission to reach the not seen .Its a whole state of mind and body.So it becomes as important for an entrepreneur to take care of both his mind and body while to reach his version of success…

Being an entrepreneur, you are naturally under intense stress and pressure. While you have already put all your eggs in one basket, there is a lot more at stake for you. Hence, taking care of your mental health becomes very important to absorb the inherent risk, stress, and uncertainty. After all, if you are not mentally strengthened, the health of your business will also plunge.

It can be overwhelming to live in our world of constant information, news, and change.

By following down below hacks, you will have the tools you need to adapt in your changing environment and stay ahead of the game.

1. Push through your self limiting beliefs:

As children we think we can conquer the world, but somewhere between childhood and adulthood, our enthusiasm and natural inclinations to dream big are squashed. Parents and teachers start imposing their own beliefs—about what we can and can’t do in life.

Find your limits by exposing yourself to different situations and pushing through the uncomfortable, have confidence in yourself, you’ll be amazed what you can accomplish.

2. Identify the Triggers

Due to immense entrepreneurial pressure, anxiety and depression can shut you off to the world and to yourself. Entrepreneurship brings passion and obsession in your life. You might sometimes feel a compulsive drive to get things going, unfortunately at the cost of relationships and health. As a result, there is an increased risk of stress and hence, slipping into addiction.

This is the inflection point where many entrepreneurs get in to distress and pain.They get distracted  and due to their inability to recognize these changes get into various types of addictions like Drug addiction,Painkiller addiction,Alcohal addiction etc .

So it becomes very important for us all as entrepreneurs to identify these triggers in life  that make us tensed and stressed.We have to be careful about the signs of the changed mental health issues like withdrawal from friends,changed sleeping and eating habits,apathy etc.

3. Stop the multitasking

Your brain is like a computer — when you have several tabs open in your browser, it slows down processing speed. Research shows that working on multiple tasks at once detracts from the quality of all of them. And a study found that when you get distracted, it takes an average of 25 minutes to return to  the task at hand. That’s a lot of time wasted.

In our age of constant distraction, it’s important to close out your email during your sessions. Silence your phone and turn off your notifications. Multitasking slows down your learning and inhibits your brain from performing at its highest function.

4.Think Positive overcome your negativity bias.

Since the early days, humans learned to get lunch or be lunch. Our natural negativity bias has kept us safe from danger for thousands of years. But not every new or different thing is a threat to our survival. This negativity bias can chisel away at our confidence to achieve success because we’re hardwired to pay attention to all that where we have failed.

  1. Come up with five positive thoughts to counter every negative thought you get in to your mind.
  2. Let every positive thought sit for 20 seconds before moving to the next positive thought.
  3. Acknowledge both good and bad emotions.
  4. Do not try to suppress negative ones.
  5. Label the emotions for what they truly are and move on. Do not enter into inner dialogue about the negative emotion because then it becomes more powerful.

5.  Create Your Network and Support System

As an Entrepreneur heading towards success, entrepreneurship is much like a busy roller coaster ride, which renders you to badly evaluate your own mental health. Being the boss of yourself, you might not have people who could make sure you are taking care of your mental health needs. This is where a good support system plays a key role in your life in the form of your friends, family, and colleagues. A successful entrepreneur  runs on social connectivity, expanding networks, and fostering connections. So it can be internal, external, or a combination of the two; you need to reach out to them, quickly resolve your issues, and move on. Mentors are great and by having one on your support team is like help is at your doorstep.

6. 80/20-The Pareto Principle

The Pareto principle, otherwise known as the 80/20 rule, was originally developed by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, when he discovered that 20 percent of the farms produced 80 percent of Italy’s crops.

Nowadays, productivity expert Tim Ferriss has popularized a modern approach to this rule.As he writes in his famous book 4 Hour workweek. He says you should focus first on the most important 20 percent of what you’re trying to learn, which will actually cover 80 percent of what you need to know.

Ask yourself: What are the most important elements that yield the biggest return on investment? For example, if you’re learning a foreign language — what 20 percent of words are used 80 percent of the time?

7.  Raise your curiosity levels:

It is  an important trait for any entrepreneur heading towards success  who wants to be confident and successful as an entrepreneur and in life as a general.

Curiosity is the foundation of life-long growth. If we remain curious, we remain teachable and our minds and hearts grow larger every day. We can retain our beginner’s mind by always looking forward and discovering new experiences and uncovering new information.

So do not hesitate to ask questions and be curious always as it makes your mind more active and encourages you to be more observant towards new ideas.

This would lead your entrepreneur journey to new world and possibilities.

8. Find time for yourself :

 As an entrepreneur heading towards success ,in the heat and dust of your entrepreneurial journey, don’t forget to give time to yourself. Just do something every day that makes you happy, away from all those professional activities. This will take you away from your anxiety and stress.

 Spend a few minutes to create something unique, enjoy the process instead of the result, and, more importantly, allow yourself to make mistakes. It is as important for you to invest in yourself as on your business because a work-life balance is very important to keep mental health issues at bay.

 Exercising and eating healthy are also important ways to look after your mental health.

Remember always ,

“To get better you have to be better” – Jim Rohn

9. Prepare for the long game

We’ve all experienced it — that moment when you run out of time, money, or motivation to keep learning something new and quit. You feel that its of the world for you and all that you have done or doing is wasted and gone futile. You start getting in to that state of depression as neuroscience would define it

Seth Godin calls it “the dip” in his famous book The Dip— when the honeymoon phase of learning a new skill wanes.

The best way to avoid this dip is to prepare for it and know it will come at some point.Its part of the entrepreneurial package .Do not get surprised by it when it pops up.Instead treat it as a temporary occurrence that leads you to the new turn in your entrepreneurial journey…

As Steve Jobs once said, “Half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non successful ones is pure perseverance.”

Remember,as an entrepreneur heading towards success, learning something new isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. Those who are persistent through this time will be the ones to succeed.

Darpan Sachdeva is the CEO and Founder of Nobel thoughts.com. With a long time passion for Entrepreneurship, Self development & Success, Darpan started his website with the intention of educating and inspiring like-minded people all over the world to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances.To keep going and never get disheartened and learn from every adversity

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