Money Favours Swiftness – The Key to Success

by Darpan Sachdeva

Money Favours Swiftness - The Key to Success-Noble Thoughts

In today’s instant gratification, high-paced world, speed and swiftness are not just advantages; they are necessities. The adage “Money favours swiftness” holds truer than ever in a world where opportunities are fleeting and competition is fierce. Let’s delve into a few real-life scenarios that illustrate the undeniable truth of this statement.

1. Sales Showdown: Fred vs. Stephen

Fred and Stephen, both sales people in a cut throat Telecom industry, vying for a high-stake account with a major retail player. They received a Request for Proposal (RFP) simultaneously. Fred, known for his meticulous research and detailed presentations, embarked on creating an elaborate 50-plus page proposal filled with graphs and statistics. He was confident that no one could outdo his proposal.

On the other hand, Stephen wasted no time. He immediately contacted the decision-maker at the client’s end and asked three crucial questions, focusing on the client’s needs and expectations.

1.What’s your biggest worry about this project?

2.What will make it a win 12 months from now?

3.What is the one thing that would exceed your expectation?

Armed with this vital information ….

Stephen wrote a concise 3 point proposal ,all on a single piece of paper addressing specifically to the clients answers to his 3 questions. He has the proposal sent via special courier and got it hand delivered to the client in under 2 hours standing out from the sea of the digital submissions.

Meanwhile Fred was still polishing his speech leaving no stone unturned. Unfortunately for Fred by the time he submitted his meticulous proposal, little did he know, that a contract had already been signed with his competitor more than 48 hours earlier.

The lesson here is crystal clear:

“He who hesitates is lost.”

Money favours swiftness”

In the world of business, opportunities come and go in the blink of an eye, and money unquestionably favours swiftness.

2. Hotel Hospitality: Lisa’s Quick Thinking

A high end hotel in a bustling city was preparing for a fully booked weekend when Lisa the front end manager discovered an error in the booking system which had caused over booking.

Several guests were scheduled to check in with an hour and there were no rooms for them. Lisa knew she had to act quickly in order to save the reputation of the hotel and ensure a positive experience for the affected guests.

Lisa swiftly contacted nearby hotels with comparable standards, negotiated special rates for displaced guests, and personally apologized for the inconvenience. She offered complimentary upgrades, arranged luxury car services, and provided generous discounts for future stays. Her proactive measures not only saved the hotel’s reputation but also turned a potential disaster into a showcase of exceptional customer service.

Guests were not only impressed but also wrote glowing reviews about Lisa and her hotel, attracting even more customers in the future. Lisa’s swift actions had transformed a brand-damaging event into a brand-boosting one.

“Money favours swiftness”

3. Linda’s Innovation: A CEO’s Decisive Move

Linda ,The CEO of a Software development company was attending conference where she learnt about a new edge cutting technology that was gaining traction in an adjacent industry. She immediately recognised the potential of this technology in her industry and get an immediate advantage over her competitors by implementing this new high end technology and by implementing it early rather than waiting for her team to conduct extensive research or seeking approval from her board.

Linda flew back to headquarters the very next day, convened an emergency meeting with her leadership team. She passionately explained her vision, explaining the potential benefits of integrating this new technology into their product line.

With Linda’s leader ship the company mobilised quickly the developers and integrated the new technology into their product line swiftly. They adapted their marketing strategy immediately and started promoting their new innovative offers. Within weeks the company has secured several high profile clients which significantly boosted their revenue and alleviated their status within the industry.

Linda’s bold and swift decision allowed her company to seize the moment and stay ahead of competitors.

Strike while the iron is hot.

“Money favours swiftness.

In all three cases, the ability to act swiftly and decisively led to success. Whether you’re faced with a problem, a complaint, a choice, a proposal, an opportunity, or a business decision, remember:

“Money favours swiftness.”

In our fast-paced world, the winners are those who can swiftly grasp opportunities and act upon them without hesitation.

Darpan Sachdeva is the CEO and Founder of With a long time passion for Entrepreneurship, Self development & Success, Darpan started his website with the intention of educating and inspiring like minded people all over the world to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. To keep going and never get disheartened and learn from every adversity.

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