20 Habits of Eventual Millionaires

by  Darpan Sachdeva


Following  are the powerful habits of rich, successful people according to serial entrepreneur James Altucher.

Altucher is an American hedge fund manager, entrepreneur, bestselling author, and podcaster. Having founded or cofounded more than 20 companies, including Reset Inc. and StockPickr and says he failed at 17 of them.

His books ‘Choose Yourself: Be Happy’ and ‘Make Millions, Live the Dream’ have been read and re-read by aspiring entrepreneurs across the world,.

Here outlined are his ‘The 20 Habits Of Eventual Millionaires’ list. How many can you tick off? I strongly believe that following even  half way of these 20 habits could bring us closer to  millions we aspire.

Enjoy the read and share your views on the experiences you face doing these metallic habits…


1.Say “No”


Sometimes its wiser to say No to distractions to get the results you need in the limited time in hand. “When you say “No” you have more time to read, learn, sleep, ask questions, contact friends,family, love life. Say “no” more.”


  1. Love


Mankind would be in  such a good place if all of us give and extend that extra love to each other on daily basis.”This is the only religion. This is the only thing worth surrendering to. This is the fuel for your idea muscle.”


  1. Make Mistakes

Mistakes Road Sign with dramatic clouds and sky.


Success is never attained by the first hit.It takes a series of mistakes that turn the failures eventually to path to success.With each mistake on the road ,lesson is learnt and step forward is taken.”Mistakes are the spell books of success. Study them hard. Learnt heir incantations. When muscles tear they rebuild stronger.”


  1. Plant Seeds


“Basic Garden Math: 1% of the seeds turns into 50% of the flowers. Plant lots of seeds.”

Most people have a goal and they work hard following that.Well there is nothing wrong with that.But the real key is to plant many many seeds so as to get  more flowers.

What are the seeds for life?

Have gratitude for what you have and value it,Share good ideas with friends and people.Eat healthy,Exercise,read a good book. Care for your family


  1. Be Around People Who Are Kind To You And Love You


This has to develop as a habit to grow.It will take it own time and sweat.Important is to grow and improve on daily basis.”Other people will make you unhappy, unkind and unsuccessful.”


  1. Stand Next To The Smartest Person In the Room


There is a saying that if you see your self as the smartest person in the room then you are in the wrong room.”Harold Ramis did it (Bill Murray). Steve Jobs did it (Steve Wozniak). Craig Silverstein did it (Larry Page). Kanye West did it (Jay Z). I make money only when I do this.”

Just look for the smartest person in the room,Quietly follow him without asking any questions.


  1. No Excuses


People generally say i do not have enough time,enough money,enough friends,enough energy to get success. Stop these excuses as they bring you no where forward.

“Blaming is draining. Complaining is draining. Explaining is draining. We don’t have enough inner plumbing for all that draining.”

  1. Don’t Be In A Rush


To get to the success and desired goals in life it takes time.Its built of the moments of tiny success on the way to the bigger life goal.Enjoy every bit of it.”Every overnight success I’ve spoken to, took 10 – 20 years to get there. But only if they celebrated small successes along the way.”

  1. Solve Difficult Gratitude Problems


In the time of stress, anger and distress ,stop for a while and think of one good thing for which you are grateful for.extend gratitude for the good things around you what you are happy with..

“If you can find a diamond in the mud, you are going to end up with a lot of diamonds in life.”

10 Warren Buffett’s 5/25 Rule


“Make a list of 25 things to do in life. Now do the top 5. And never again think about the other 20 ever, else they will take time away from the 5 that are most important to you.”


  1. Write Down 10 Ideas A Day


“This actually turns into a super power. Do this for six months and see what happens.”

Coming up with great ideas requires muscle .Carry a journal with you, or make use of the notepad on your phone and, throughout the day, jot down ideas that come to mind. There is something about writing your ideas down that makes the brain feel like the idea was acknowledged.


  1. Follow Up

Hand writing inscription "Follow Up" with marker, concept

“I’m shy and bad at this. And lazy. Send an email the next day with an idea on the next step. I have to work on this.”

Following up might be a “nice to meet you” email. Or maybe it’s buying them a first edition of their favorite book or  movie .Or maybe it’s one of the 10,000 things in between that.

  1. Ask Questions

Group of People Asking Questions

“There are more questions than answers. Opportunities are buried in the questions, Facts can be outsourced.”

Never stop being curious and ask questions to what might lead you fulfill your thirst and lead to success.

  1. 1% A Day

little everyday

“Whatever you want to get better at: do1% more each day. 1% a day, compounded, is 3800% a year. You win.”

You have that huge goal to write a book,win the tournament,make millions or become a leader,move towards it with the ” a little a day” concept.Take baby steps every day towards the big goal.


  1. Right Now


“Regret will waste time today worrying about yesterday. And anxiety will steal energy from the future. Focus on right now.”

Every time I’ve had a problem in the future, it never came true.

Every time I’ve had a regret in the past, the regret kept me glued to the mud.

Right now you are dealt cards. No other hand before or after will help you right now.

So this is the only moment to focus on. Right now is best predictor of Right Life.


  1. Sleep


“Sleep rejuvenates brain cells, heals the body, and reduces anxiety. And your brain is only active 2-5 hours a day. Sweets dreams.”

  1. Every Day, Avoid Death


“You can’t get rich from a hospital bed. Or a grave. Move every day, sleep well, eat well.”

Its generally trusted that as you grow old your metabolism starts to change.This is wrong.You just start sitting more as you grow.So start moving.

  1. Do One Thing Every Day You Loved As A Kid

koriver wener photo mark klein

“This is usually the fuel that can power your life.”

I always loved to write,so i write now whenever get the time to do it.I have always loved to speak in front of public ,so i practice now public speaking and teaching. on whenever possible.

As a kid what ever we wanted to do was our internal calling  and could have been suppressed with time but is never killed.You can always bring it back if you follow your heart.


Wait: I thought there were 20? 

“Secret to success = give yourself permission to sometimes be wrong.”

This could be counted in as another habit not less important towards earning your millions.

Give yourself permission to not always be right. Give yourself permission to not always be liked. Give yourself permission to not always be at peace. Give yourself permission to not be a success.Then you will gradually have whatever you gave yourself permission “to not.”


The above habits will make you that bright sun glowing with immense power who has these worth applauding powerful qualities and habits.

To your success!!!

Blog PhotoDarpan Sachdeva is the CEO and Founder of Nobel thoughts.com. With a long time passion for Entrepreneurship, Self development & Success, Darpan started his website with the intention of educating and inspiring like-minded people all over the world to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances.To keep going and never get disheartened and learn from every adversity.


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