The Power of Love -Unleashed

by Darpan Sachdeva

The Power of Love -Unleashed-Noblethoughts

I have always been fascinated by the immense power of love. I so strongly believe that love is the one thing that keeps us moving forward as humans. We are used to build up relationships that are directly attached to various levels of love we have for them.

Love is the state of the human being which is spiritual.The spirit inside each one of us is all pure love and not thing more.

Love is a spiritual state, not an emotion. It is not actually a part of the human condition. It resides in our spirit. Our spirit is pure love and nothing more. This love never changes. It doesn’t increase or decrease. Doesn’t think ill of anything or anyone ever. It simply exists as pure, unconditional love. All spirits or souls exist in this state.

What goes wrong in relationships is not love but two humans who don’t quite mesh well enough. This leads to a break in their emotional attachment. It is our emotions that cause all the problems. At no point is love ever a part of this conflict.

In fact, when you see people become so emotionally distraught that they become mean and vengeful, this is a case where they have become totally disconnected from their spirit which is love. The love that is who they really are has been blocked by their own human frailty allowing their emotions to run amuck without any greater force to guide them.

Their spiritual being has been overrun by the emotional turmoil they have entered in to.

The Love from Our Soul Balances Our EmotionsThe Power of Love

When we strongly connect with our soul and its guiding force, the power of love balances our emotions and helps us keep our perspective. Love allows us to let someone go because they would be happier elsewhere even if they cheated and lied. Unconditional love is the foundation for forgiveness. While we will still feel the hurt and pain, through the power of love we can work through these emotions without turning to the dark side of humanity.

The Power of Love -Unleashed-Noblethoughts

You Are LoveThe Power of Love

When we embrace the spirit or soul that we are, its then we allow a continual stream of unconditional love to permeate our being all the time. This affects how we see the world and how we deal with our emotional reactions to life. Without the loving guidance from our soul, we can too easily sink into the lower levels of human behavior which causes way more hurt, pain and mayhem than is necessary.

You are love and have always been love. You are a spirit or soul in a human body. This unconditional love exists right now within you and is there to help you through any crisis in your life. Embrace who you really are and allow your inner wisdom to always guide you through the emotional roller coaster of life.

Always remember,

To understand the Power of Love

Love is is some thing that takes birth in our hearts and soul and never in our head. Its the logic, reasoning and modern day world rules that come up from head.

Love is Blind ,in the words of Tony Robbins……

“When you’re in attraction, love is easy. When you’re not attracted, you get in your head. You leave your heart and your body and you go to your head.” — Tony Robbins

Here is to all of you for leading a life of love and fulfillment..❤❤❤

Darpan Sachdeva is the CEO and Founder of . With a long time passion for Entrepreneurship, Self development & Success, Darpan started his website with the intention of educating and inspiring like-minded people all over the world to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. To keep going and never get disheartened and learn from every adversity.

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