How to Craft an Abundance Mindset as an Entrepreneur

by Darpan Sachdeva

How to Craft an Abundance Mindset as an Entrepreneur-Noble Thoughts

I strongly believe that for any entrepreneur to be successful, mindset plays a very important role. Today its not the technology or science that’s so important but the mindset with which one looks at them.

Successful entrepreneur and exponential thinker Peter Diamandis has proclaimed and highlighted the importance of the abundance mindset against the scarcity mindset.

In his words ,

Your mindset is the filter through which you see the world. It determines how you spend your time, what decisions you make, and where you invest your resources. “

He strongly claims that the abundant mindset can be crafted by practice. Any body could create for himself the abundance mindset by putting in needed efforts.

Here’s an analogy what Dr Diamandis puts up on how to craft an abundance mindset:

If you’ve been following developments in AI, you know that we can train neural nets to do image recognition. The challenge with these neural nets is that they’re only as good as the data you feed them.

For example, if you show the neural nets thousands of pictures of cats, and then you show them a picture of a dog, the algorithm will tell you that the dog is actually a cat. It doesn’t know any better.

The same is true for our brains, which are also neural nets.

If you constantly feed your brain with negative perspectives, your outlook will be negative. You won’t know any better.

So, how are you training your neural net?

In the video below Peter Diamandis shares the power of the Abundance thinking :

To take this further ahead…..

Naveen Jain, an award-winning CEO and entrepreneur, challenges the notion that we live in a world of scarcity; rather, he suggests that our primal, survivalist instincts confine us to this world of scarcities, and that adopting a mindset of abundance is crucial in cutting-edge entrepreneurship.

So here what is the lesson taken home?

If you want to think big and aspire to change the world, hang out with people who have Moonshots and a massively transformative purpose (MTP).

What is your news diet? What kind of movies or documentaries are you watching?

What books or blogs are you reading? 

Do these inputs reinforce the mindsets you want? Or do they reinforce mindsets you’re trying to avoid?

How will you Craft an Abundance Mindset?

Here’s to thinking big and abundant.

Start recrafting your mindset towards growth and success !!!!

Darpan Sachdeva is the CEO and Founder of With a long time passion for Entrepreneurship, Self development & Success, Darpan started his website with the intention of educating and inspiring like-minded people all over the world to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. To keep going and never get disheartened and learn from every adversity.

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