How To Get Back In Life Bigger And Better

by Darpan Sachdeva

It’s a common tendency to go down in life and feel no strength to get back again. A feeling of self doubt comes in .I have seen this in Business icons, superstar professional athletes, billionaires — it doesn’t matter how rich or how accomplished.

All these last months of COVID-19 unexpected surprises in life have been too much. I have seen across my family, friends and society as a whole the loss of hope and get back to believe in the change.

These are the times in life when you feel you have no energy to get up again in life. Every thing is falling apart for you. The feeling of self doubt comes in. Days and even weeks when you want to (or perhaps do) pull up the covers and half-sleep in bed until nightfall, avoiding a feeling of hopelessness that seems insurmountable.

As entrepreneurs we are more prone to these emotional fluctuations in our life. The day starts with a huge enthusiasm and ends with the feeling of being totally crushed.

I can assure that this is totally normal to be in such state of mind. Its an integral part of building some thing great in life .It could be business relationship, love and life. Things will go wrong and quite often.

In the times of hopelessness and self doubt, the video above has always been a great source of inspiration for me. Acknowledge and applaud the odds you’ve overcome, the critics you’ve proven wrong, and the small defeats that — through making you stronger and smarter — made huge victories possible later.

In life you will fall down and you will feel you do not have strength to get back up. If you give up you can never get to the life of your dreams. Its all about believing in your bigger and greater version of yourself.

Get back up. Bigger and better things are waiting for you.….

Darpan-Sachdeva-Motivation-SuccessDarpan Sachdeva is the CEO and Founder of With a long time passion for Entrepreneurship, Self development & Success. Darpan started his website with the intention of educating and inspiring like minded people all over the world to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. To keep going and never get disheartened and learn from every adversity.

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